There are many inappropriate weather and climatic changes going on in the world. Many parts of the world are experiencing the consequences of the bad weather. Kenya is one of them. Since June 2018 Kenya is suffering from a severe drought which is disastrous for both animals and humans. The drought has led to decrease in yielding crops and it is being very difficult for people to continuing any of the agricultural activities.
More Info: Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua/ Facebook

Not only humans it is affecting the animals

He said, “Last night, I found 500 buffalo waiting at the water hole. When I arrived, they could smell the water. The buffalo were so keen and coming close to us. They started drinking while I was standing there. They get so excited.”

He has set up a page named as GoFundMe to let people know about the great work he is doing and give their contributions for it.
“There is completely no water, so the animals are depending on humans.” If we don’t help them, they will die,” he told The Dodo. He has also built gravel-lined water holes to save water from seeping into the earth.

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The one truck has now changes into many and he is now able to provide water in many regions across the African savannah. Three women from US named Angie Brown, Cher Callaway, and Tami Calliope has teamed up with him to help him in the great work he doing.

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