Just a time ago a man breaks the internet for suing his parents for giving him birth without his consent. This brought a lot of attention to social media and he got famous overnight. Interestingly enough, instead of being ridiculed by his thinking, people were actually supporting him. His whole agenda behind this was that he believes that nobody deserves to deal with this cruel world and its nonsense pattern of living a life without being asked first and this 27-Year-Old man who created this buzz in the nation is finally unmasked.
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Raphael Samuel, the 27-year-old man hails from Mumbai, India. He is mad over his parents for giving him birth without taking his permission first. And his grudge is not just limited to the internal family quarrels, but he decided to take his parents to the court because of this.
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Both of his parents are professional lawyers and are pretty much familiar with this concept of suing as you can see that’s pretty much what they do for a living. His mother replied to his son’s whole ‘suing’ in a Facebook post where she said that both of them will happily agree to him if he could just tell them the way that how it is even possible to give someone birth after asking him.

He was always seen wearing a beard mask before but his true face is finally revealed as he is unmasked and now you can see who is the face behind this genius thinking. Raphael Samuel has even compared giving birth to the child with ‘kidnapping’ and ‘slavery’.

He is asking people around the world to stop having children as nobody deserves to being born without their consent and forced to follow the nonsense pattern of living a life. Like, everyone is forced to go to school then study and work for the rest of his life and according to him, that is the cruelest thing you can do to a child. Many people around the world agree to him and think that he is absolutely correct.