Hope is something that keeps you alive in darkest situations. There is a Pinkbelly Sideneck Species turtle who was born with a strange appearance and a protruding heart that was growing outside his chest and is named Hope. Experts are still unable to understand and name this strange condition and are claiming that this condition would have surely come with other heart defects. In humans, this condition is known as Ectopia Cordis which happens to 1 in about 1,26,000 births. This is so rare in animals that it hasn’t got any name.
Image Courtsey: Caters News Agency

Though Hope is much brittle but is healthy and growing like every other turtle, pointed Mike Aquilina. He eats and plays a lot and does everything making everyone believe that he is as normal as other turtles. In humans, this condition occurs when the walls do not develop perfectly and eventually causes organs forming at wrong places sometimes partially and completely outside of the body.
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Due to his condition this tiny Albino baby gets extra care and is kept into clean water and the leftover food is cleaned frequently. His behavior and food is kept into check so that he do not suffer due to his special condition. He do play a lot but Aquilina does’t let Hope play with other as they can accidently harm his heart that is protruding outside. He has got a really caring person to take care of him and got a sweet home.

“Hope has changed my life for the better in such a short amount of time,” he told Caters News Agency. “I keep her water extra clean, give her a basking area that is as soft as possible and handle her as little as possible,” he said

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