Being fat brings us many consequences than just body shaming. Body shaming has been prevalent in many parts of the world but is reducing day by day. What’s not reducing, is the other biological consequences of being fat, which can be really bad. For someone who is overweight, it is difficult to lose weight because they already have their lifestyle to live like that. But today we will talk about how this nearly impossible task is achieved by presenting to you an example of a girl who has lost about half of her weight, from being a 120 kilograms to a healthy 60 kgs in just 10 months. And losing 60 kgs of weight is no easy task.
More Info: Good Times
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Its been 10 months, when this girl was at the heaviest weight of herself, a big fat 120 kilograms. She had to face a lot of consequences like little cholesterol, circulatory problems, and pain in muscles and bones, and yes, somewhat body shaming. This girl took a pledge that she will lose weight by hook or crook and was completely determined. She was totally determined to lose her weight and then she gradually started shifting towards a healthy lifestyle.
While this girl decided that she will be losing her weight, she was aware of the fact that her weight was higher or was increasing mainly because of just factors, the lifestyle and her eating habits.

Most people switch to a harsh, crash diet to maintain their body shape or to be slimmer. Wisely, this girl did not opt for a crash diet. She was smart and therefore, she decided to begin eating a lean and healthy diet and started to avoid junk food completely.
Changing lifestyle is indeed not at all easy. While trying to maintain her weight, she would get cravings for eating something sweet like she used to get, but she would now try to control it by eating a fruit or drinking water. That actually helped her.

After some time, this girl was completely adjusted to the fact that she has to be avoiding junk food at all times. Moreover, she began moving towards healthier options for her eating habits. Not just this, she also changed her daily eating habits. She switched to drinking milk and eating salad, from consuming bread and rice because the difference in calories was huge.
It is of course very difficult to move away from the savoring home cooked meals, and thus, this girl would sometimes have home cooked meals like meat and tofu in some time.

She realized that taking low-calorie alternatives are important, like yoghurt instead of mayonnaise and she started to stay away from sauces.
Post this, she began changing her breakfast habits as well. For the next three months, she would only eat any among sweet potatoes, boiled eggs, bananas, fruits or just plain yoghurt.

Fruits like apples, guavas, bananas are really rich when it comes to fibre and eating these helped her to remain full until lunchtime.
For lunch, she would usually eat steamed vegetables, meat or fish and fruit as a dessert. For dinner, she preferred having cucumber slices, a cup of steamed pumpkin, half a pear and some oatmeal.

And yes, how can someone losing weight forget about exercise. She did some of it like a 30-minute jog at the park and then would begin skipping for the next half an hour.

Of course, consistency is a difficult thing to achieve, but with unparalleled discipline and perseverance, she has shown the world that even extremities can be achieved for she lost over 60 kgs in just 10 months of time. The story of losing 60 kgs in just 10 months is quite not easy as it sounds but this girl has made it through her dedication and determination.