Did you ever imagine what if you would be separated from my loved ones? Well! of course, this is the most sickening feeling. Similarly, a man was depressed because he lost his lovely dog. He thought that the dog would never come back. But luckily one day the lost dog returned home with some new four-legged friends.

Kyle Krier lives with his family and a pet dog named Bo, in Concordia, Kansas.
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A few days ago, Krier and his wife had let Bo go out of the house for bathroom. Sending the dog out alone was not something new for them. They do it quite often. But that day Bo didn’t came back.

They checked him all over the place but couldn’t find him. After their hard efforts, they decided to go home and wait for Bo to come back. Days passed but he never came back.
After 2-3 three weeks when they gave up almost all their hopes, Laura got a sudden call from a friend. The friend told that he have seen their black lab.
Happy Laura immediately passed this news to his husband. After listening the news, Krier left all his work right there and immediately went to the place hinted by their friend.

“I left work right away. I saw the crew out in a cut bean field on the east side of the highway”, said, Krier. And there he found his lost Bo with his new four legged friends.

Bo’s new friends include a golden Labrador dog and a goat. Now finally the lost dog has returned home with his new friends. All three of the animals are living together and looks quite happy to be around one another.
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Krier’s friend also captured a video of Bo when he saw Krier after so long. Watch it below.
Image Soure: Facebook/Laura Krier