Woman Loses 140 Pounds After Getting Rejected By Her Crush


If you are short of motivation to lose your weight and get in shape, you must definitely know this women’s story. Rachael Heffner a 27-year-old woman is a college student and has been in a notice on social media for her immense transformation. She lost 140 pounds after she got rejected by her crush. She felt very helpless and wanted the boy to regret his decision which motivated him to get into shape. She has gained a lot of appreciation across the globe and has been motivation for many men and women.

Initially, she was not like a person who finds themselves any less in life for being fat. She was about 285lbs but did not let that affect her life. Although she said that she lost her weight for herself and not for the boy but still the surprise he got after seeing her transformation was all worth it.

Women Loses 140 Pounds After Getting Rejected By Her Crush

She belonged to a family where both her parents had to go for work and they let Rachael eat whatever she wanted to whenever they were not at home which led her to gain a lot of weight. Things got worse when she lost her mother at a very little age of 7 years. Her mother was diagnosed with systemic mastocytosis and soon passed away. She could not handle the grief and started eating a lot.

Also, her mother never let her learn about health and what she must and eat or not. She would always eat junk food which made her gain so much weight. She would eat chips all day and be also addicted to drinking soda. Drinking water was not an option for her as she drank almost 4 bottles of soda in a day.

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Women Loses 140 Pounds After Getting Rejected By Her Crush

At the age of 19 years when she entered college her weight was about 300 pounds. She loved meeting new people and there was where she found this man whom she liked too much and asked him out without hesitating. But he rejected her for her appearance. Although he never said the reason he rejected her is her appearance but it was clear as Rachael is a fun loving and joyful girl and no other reason except her weight could be there for facing rejection.

She wanted her crush to realize that he made a bad decision. She changed her diet, started gymming, took help from personal training even go through a surgery and had a great transformation. She also gives the credit of her transformation to her personal trainer, Adam. Through tough training she lost 140 pounds. She couldn’t start gymming soon after she had her surgery. She had to give herself some rest for a few days when she realized she wanted to see herself as a bodybuilder.

Women Loses 140 Pounds After Getting Rejected By Her Crush

Life has totally changed for her now after losing 140 pounds and getting rejected by her crush. She has been crowned as Miss Indiana and also won many other awards for her good physique. She had also quit her job and dedicated her life to the gym for herself and others too as she trains others as a personal trainer.

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Image Courtsey: Caters News Agency