Woman Gets Her Head Stuck In Metal Gate For 5 Hours While Spying On The Next Door


Spying on neighbors is a very common attitude of a few nosy women, who like to interfere in other’s lives. Minding one’s own business is far most the best thing to do. Live and let others live in peace. In a recent incident, A woman who was spying and trying to find out what’s happening in her neighborhood had to pay a good amount. She goes stuck in their neighbor’s metal door for about 5 hours. It’s always better to let people live in peace and not interfere nose in other’s lives.

This incident took place in La Virginia, a city in Colombia, where a woman was trying to spy and intrude in her neighbor’s home. Like every woman, it is reported that she was gathering some information to gossip with her friends. She initially started listening from a distant, but eventually decided to put her head into the metal bars of the gate to hear their voices clearly. But unfortunately her head got stuck between the metal bars of the gate, she tried a lot to get herself freed but it was of no use.

Woman Gets Her Head Stuck In Metal Gate For 5 Hours While Spying On The Next Door

Later, when people noticed her plight, they immediately called fire fighters to rescue her. She reportedly created a drama in neighborhood and people were hilariously laughing at her. There began very embarrassing moments when fire fighters were not able to take her head out of the metal bars. They had a hard time doing it because they could not stop laughing at what this woman did to herself. And finally, after 5 full hours, Fire fighters were able to remove her heads between the metal bars of the gate.

Woman Gets Her Head Stuck In Metal Gate For 5 Hours While Spying On The Next Door

This incident was immediately posted on social media and it went viral. This incident was a perfect example of the saying, as you sow, so you reap.

Source: Facebook

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