Leaving behind all the beauty standards this model and the self-styled founder of the “unibrow movement” Sophia Hadjipanteli came up in front of the society with her unique personality. She is just 22 years old and had gained a lot of fame due to her jet black unibrows. But it’s really sad to hear she receives death threats over her eyebrows.
More info: Sophia Hadjipanteli/ Instagram

On ITV’s Good Morning Britain the model revealed that she receives a lot of negative comments over her eyebrows. “I definitely get a lot of negative reactions. A lot of the negativity I get is from online, mostly, and in person, people are just a bit unsure of how to take it because it’s kind of odd to see someone that looks like me walking in the street. I try not to read a lot of them, a lot of people tell me when I get them so obviously I don’t really have the patience to go through and read every person’s comments, she told the hosts Susanna Reid and Piers Morgan.

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Though the model wants to inspire others with her body positivity, she said that it is very hard to get over those negative comment and also the death threats. We are growing up in a society where people encourages us to get on the road but then comes to these negative comments.

When she was asked about what her boyfriend think about her eyebrows she said, “He loves it.” Her boyfriend is Zac Apostolou from London who is a photgrapher. She also told that her boyfriend too had unibrows when he was little and whenver she tints her eyebrows he really gets interested in what she does.

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