With the degradation of our environment, someone has to take some steps for its conservation and recently the Philippines has passed a very effective law that not only encourage students to do good for the environment but it is also a practical solution for the rescue of our nature. According to the new Philippines law, every student has to plant at least 10 trees before they graduate. And this is an absolutely effective step taken towards our nature and it’s the idea that every other country in the world should live by.

Due to immense climate changes the health of the world is in danger for years. And someone finally decided to do something practical for the betterment and we are already loving this new law. And as per the legislation, the generation could result in planting at least 525 billion trees if the law gets strictly followed.

“With over 12 million students graduating from elementary and nearly five million students graduating from high school and almost 500,000 graduating from college each year, this initiative, if properly implemented, will ensure that at least 175 million new trees would be planted each year. In the course of one generation, no less than 525 billion can be planted under this initiative,” said Gary Alejano who was the principal of author of the legislation.

“Even with a survival rate of only 10 percent, this would mean an additional 525 million trees would be available for the youth to enjoy when they assume the mantle of leadership in the future.”
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The Philippines asking the students to plant at least 10 trees before they get graduate is actually a great step taken towards the conservation of the environment. Mother nature has given us everything and now it’s our turn to pay it back. It will help our society is not only one but various ways.