When it comes to technology, the Japenese always stay one step ahead of the world and that’s why they are considered as the pioneers of the technology. Japan has always introduced with some unique and latest invention that even we didn’t know we were seeking and some of them are pretty questionable inventions like the one we are going to introduce today. This latest invention of Japan let the men breastfeed their children so that they could take some load of the mothers for feeding the babies. Weird, right? Well, wait till you see it because maybe you will find the look of the weirder than the idea itself.

A pair of artificial breasts on men’s body looks stranger than we thought. But these are not just some silicon bags on a man’s body but they are milk-filled artificial breasts for artificial breastfeeding. In the pictures shown you can easily notice how this thing works and how you will look after wearing it. As with the changing time, men and women are supporting each other and helping each other in their work so that they could distribute the burden. And now Japan has invented another thing by which men can help women to help them in breastfeeding too.

The invention that is manufactured by Dentsu is named as ‘Father’s Nursing Assistant’. And the silicon breasts can store milk as well as it also has artificial nipples that help to transfer the milk in the infant’s mouth. The device can also be heated and vibrate as per the comfort of the baby. As well as it also keep an account of the baby’s sleeping and eating behavior and the whole information is sent to an app. I mean, Isn’t that amazing?

In a press release, Dentsu explained, “Focusing on breastfeeding, we aim to decrease the amount of burden on mothers and increase the amount of time infants sleep by enabling fathers to breastfeed.”
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