8-Year-Old Boy Travels More Than 6 Miles To School Daily With His Dog


The situation of the left-out children in China has become a serious issue for the country. The left out children are those children whose parents leave them in the rural regions of the country and go to work in the urban areas for a long period of time.

8-Year-Old Boy Travels More Than 6 Miles To School Daily With His Dog


The children are mostly left with their relatives in the rural areas. The children take care of their own selves and their houses and the relatives generally provide them with food.

8-Year-Old Boy Travels More Than 6 Miles To School Daily With His Dog


Niu Niu, an 8-year-old boy is one of those millions left out children in China. Niu Niu is a second-year student at the Central Primary School of Dasanjia Township, Beipiao City, Liaoning Province.

8-Year-Old Boy Travels More Than 6 Miles To School Daily With His Dog


When Niu Niu was three years old, his mother left them as she suffered from epilepsy and his father had not returned from the city for many years now. The boy was left alone with his grandparents. But unfortunately his grandmother died and his grandfather was only left as his caretaker.

8-Year-Old Boy Travels More Than 6 Miles To School Daily With His Dog


Niu Niu walked for about 6 miles to school daily and took his dog furry with him. His dog was pregnant which was the reason he took it to school with him as there was no one at home to take care of it.

8-Year-Old Boy Travels More Than 6 Miles To School Daily With His Dog


After the death of his grandmother, Niu Niu became more reticent. He often wept at the middle of the night. His grandfather and his pet dog sat by him and comforted him until he fell back asleep.

8-Year-Old Boy Travels More Than 6 Miles To School Daily With His Dog


The 8-year-old boy offered all the snacks that he had to his grandmother by keeping them in front of her picture. But his grandfather wanted Niu Niu to keep them with himself as his grandmother would have also wished the same.

8-Year-Old Boy Travels More Than 6 Miles To School Daily With His Dog


Niu Niu eats the cold food kindly which he gets after returning from his school. He then does all his tasks. His grandfather works very hard in order to clear off all the debts he took for the medication of his wife. The 8-year-old boy is a hard-working student who finishes off all his homework in between the other works.

8-Year-Old Boy Travels More Than 6 Miles To School Daily With His Dog


On his way to school, he passes by the grave of his grandmother and always pays respect to her. This 8-year-old boy wishes for his parents to come back home so that his grandfather can relax in his old age.

8-Year-Old Boy Travels More Than 6 Miles To School Daily With His Dog


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