10-Year-Old Signed A Contract With Family To Get iPhone


With the huge reach of social media, things go viral very easily. Recently a 10-year-old kid went viral when her family allowed her to get an iPhone but if she agrees to their terms and conditions and signs the contract. Yes, the family prepared a contract and included terms and conditions to get her an iPhone.

10-Year-Old Signed A Contract With Family To Get iPhone

The 10-year-old kid we are talking about is named Yasmine. She is from Malaysia.

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Well! in today’s time everything comes with a price, and in Yasmine’s case, she saved up for two years to paid the price of her phone. She got the money by helping her family in daily household work such as mopping, vacuuming and helping with daily laundry.

10-Year-Old Signed A Contract With Family To Get iPhone

Then she was asked to sign a contract titled ‘One Year Renewable Phone Loan’ with 12 terms and conditions.

10-Year-Old Signed A Contract With Family To Get iPhone

Yasmine’s elder sister Farha shot some pictures while she was signing the contract and shared them through her twitter handle.

10-Year-Old Signed A Contract With Family To Get iPhone

The contract that Malaysian family drafted for their daughter included 12 terms and conditions, which are as follows: 1. Perform morning prayers 2. Charge the phone only until it is full and unplug it immediately after 3. Never let the phone battery die, as this may reduce the battery’s performance 4. Never use mum and dad’s phone 5. Never bring it to the toilet 6. Never bring it to school (Oh man!) 7. Never use it at the dining table 8. Ask for permission before downloading any applications 9. I am responsible for any data usage. I will not ask for any additions if I’ve used up my internet quota unless it is gifted to me 10. Read the Quran every day or minimum six times a week 11. Never call friends when I’m out with family 12. Never skip tuition If 10-year-old Yasmine violates the terms and conditions, then she will have to return the iPhone to her father.

10-Year-Old Signed A Contract With Family To Get iPhone

If you are thinking that the contract is merely a joke, let us tell you that you are wrong. In Yasmine’s family, everything goes according to the laws made by their elders. “Speaking from personal experience, enforcement happens and it happens hard. They took away my laptop for a few months after breaking some terms when I was a teen,” Farha said, adding that everything goes according to the law in their house, said Farah while sharing her experience. You may also like to read: Viral Pictures of Christian Bride With Her Muslim Bridesmaids

Signing a contract for using an iPhone sounds little weird but for kids, it seems a perfect way. Image source: Twitter/@farhasaiful_