Thrilling Images of Marine Animals Shows Effects Of Plastic Pollution Around The World


One might think using a single plastic fork during lunch would not affect the world as much, but when you picture about 7.7 billion others doing the same, the situation seems extremely hazardous. We are bound to drown in all the plastic pollution.

Ocean Plastic Pollution affects marine animals in the world

Nonetheless, people have started to realize the traumatic effects of this pollution on marine animals and have tried to make others aware about it through, for instance, the viral #Trashtag Challenge that is making rounds of social media.

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The latest example of a brilliant yet chilling awareness campaign will be by Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, an NGO working towards conserving and protecting the ecosystem. SSCS has been conducting various campaigns to make people aware of the destruction of marine animals by the use of plastic pollution. Together with the Tribal Worldwide São Paulo and DDB Guatemala advertising agencies, SSCS has published an alarming awareness campaign.

Poster showing world Ocean Plastic Pollution on marine animals

They have created two 3D posters of a sea turtle and a seal, depicting their heads stuck in a plastic baggie, with a heart-wrenching message, ‘The plastic you use once tortures the oceans forever.’

Ocean Plastic Pollution affects marine animals in the world

The organization Sea Shepherd has been spreading awareness about the terrifying after effects of using plastic negligently. They are sharing tips about reusing everyday plastic items and also has been conducting beach clean-up drives ‘Operation Clean Waves’ in various parts of the world.

 Plastic Pollution affects marine animals all over the world

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SSCS claims that some scientists believe that by the year 2050, there will more plastic than fish in our oceans. Sea Shepherd is working towards preventing this situation because if the oceans die, we die.

We hope that looking at these photos, it will motivate you to reduce your usage, and reuse and recycle whatever you have at home.