Teenager Sold Kidney To Buy iPhone, Becomes Paralyzed And Didn’t Even Get The Phone


Every time an Apple gadget is released in the market, a lot of cybercitizens joke about doing anything, even selling their kidney to buy it. The reason behind this is that Apple products are very expensive and owing one certainly adds to your status. While this is just a doltish thought, one teenager from China actually sold his kidney to buy an iPhone 4 when Apple first released it.

Teenager Sold Kidney To Buy iPhone, Becomes Paralyzed And Didn't Even Get The Phone


Teenager Xiao Wang was only 17 years old when Apple released iPhone 4. Since Xiao’s family were poor, Xiao thought of selling his kidney to get the gadget which he thought would make him famous in his school as there were not many who owed an iPhone.

Teenager Sold Kidney To Buy iPhone, Becomes Paralyzed And Didn't Even Get The Phone


Hence Xiao searched for a hospital for his operation and found one in Chenzhou. The teenager came to know from a middleman that he would receive 22000 yuan which is equal to $3200 in exchange for his organ. He was also told that the operation would have very little effect and he will be able to restart his normal routine in just a week. Xiao went for the operation without informing his parents about it. And unfortunately, the hospital was not a legal one and was unreliable. It had an unsanitary operating environment. The teenager’s wounds got infected and he so had to inform his parents.

Teenager Sold Kidney To Buy iPhone, Becomes Paralyzed And Didn't Even Get The Phone


After learning about his condition, his parents took him to a proper hospital but woefully the infection had spread all over and Xiao lost function on his other kidney. This left the teenager paralyzed. Even today, seven years after the incident, Xiao is not able to walk and is in need of a kidney due to the improper functioning of his remaining kidney.

Teenager Sold Kidney To Buy iPhone, Becomes Paralyzed And Didn't Even Get The Phone


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