We have this very conventional mindset where we believe that a teacher is always supposed to be dressed formally. Do they not have the rights to enjoy their life? One such incident has come to light where Siberian authorities sacked a school teacher for the reason being that she posted her photos wearing a bikini! A number of Russian teachers have come forward in her support and have started posting their photos in bikini.
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The teachers have come up with this hashtag #TeachersArePeopleToo where teachers of the same school have posted more than 15,000 posts. We are living in 2019 yet we are so conventional about what women wear. The change can come only when women start supporting each other.


What exactly happened was that a parent complained about the teacher’s photos on social media to the headmistress. The headmistress asked her to resign on the ground that she dressed up like a prostitute. The 38-year-old teacher has posted her photos in a swimming suit, a short dress and high heels. The literature teacher shared that she was sacked for the reason that she was wearing revealing clothes. She said that the photos were clicked while she was taking part in winter swimming.


As per the local media, the support was immense and teachers posted their photos wearing a bikini with strong messages. The conclusion was that the regional education minister intervened and offered her a new designation. She will very soon start a new job at a training college.

All that we need is a united voice. The moment we see something going wrong we must step forward to rescue. Social Media might have changed our life cycles for sure, but it has helped us grow in terms of society. A woman isn’t a bird in a cage. She can do what she likes! She can wear what she likes! And she isn’t answerable to anybody for her choices and liking! So instead of judging them, let’s hold their hand and empower them!