Birds are the most amazing creature but their freedom makes them feel so unreachable and mysterious to us. It seems really hard to capture them even in a camera. Well! Lisa, a photographer played smart and set up a photo booth and captured the birds. The results are just incredible!
Lisa is known as Ostdrossel on her social media. She has been always attracted to nature and birds so she decided to set up a photo booth.
Here we have gathered some amazing pictures from her photo booth. Scroll down and have a look.
1. Was there ever a more beautiful bird post?

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2. Did anybody else think he actually had teeth at first or was it just me?

3. “This bird seed could use a dead moth.”

4. You shut up! No, you shut up! No you…

5. They’ve made a heart shape.

6. You spying on me? Huh!

7. You can always pick a cardinal from all the rest!

8. Some feathers were ruffled that day.

9. Sliding in hungry from the club like…

10. Love the Blue-jay’s expression!

11. Wow they are so beautiful.

12. Blue jays take peanuts over meal worms. Interesting!

13. That’s a rose-breasted grosbeak. Such a pretty bird.

14. “Praise Jesus!”

15. Get off me, Honey. You’re getting a little possessive.

16. They remind me of a windup toy, the way they walk.

17. Such a stunning photo.

18. They look mad. “I need to see the manager!”

19. I thought he was holding a dice at first…. Gamer Bird!!

20. Lovely shot of a hummingbird!

21. Waited in line for an hour, and now the food is all gone.. Sad!

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22. Mah eyebrows be fluffy!

23. You lookin’ at me?!


25. This is my jam!

26. Swoop and shove!

27. European Starling

28. More seed please!

29. He’s got a mouthful.

30. “Hey! Where are the seeds?!”

Image Source: Ostdrossel