The recent heartwarming act of Johnny Depp is truly appreciating. The 55-Year-Old actor who played the famous character of Captain Jack Sparrow has visited the Children’s hospital. He was a part of the popular movie, “Pirates of the Caribbean” in which he played this famous role of Captain Jack Sparrow who is almost everybody’s favorite. And he has been putting smiles on the faces of children in the hospital through ages by dressing up as their favorite character.

While other stars just donate to charity, Johnny Depp has his own way of doing the charity. It is so generous of the star to take time off from his busy schedule and showing up to the Children’s Hospital to cheer them up and bring happiness to their life. This time Johnny Depp visited the Curie Institute in Paris, France on the day of 28th December, 2018. The actor visit the children every year by dressing up as Captain Jack Sparrow.

The hospital was really overwhelmed by his visit and thanked him through twitter. The hospital tweeted, “Surprise visit by Jack Sparrow. The most famous pirate to children & teens of our # pediatrics service! A gift that gave joy to the patients, families, caregivers, doctors, and researchers. Huge thanks to Johnny Depp for his time, his comfort & his energy.”
Although this year Johnny Depp’s Visit as Captain Jack Sparrow was uncertain as he was certainly dropped from the movie series where he play this very character. According to the makers of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’, the film series needs new energy and therefore they removed Johnny Depp from the being a part of it considering that the actor is 5 years old now. But Johnny Depp has definitely won many hearts by his heartwarming act by still managing to visit the hospital in their favorite pirate’s outfit.