E hailing services at this time has made our lives very easy and convenient. We could travel with an instant booking to wherever we want to. Reaching to the office on time or going to a friend’s house is just a click away these days. One of these ride-hailing companies is Grab. These grab riders pick up many people in a day and what are the odds of getting to meet someone who looks exactly like you and it seems to be your lost twin?

Recently a Grab Rider faced an amazing coincidence. The passenger he picked looked exactly like him. The passenger just wanted to make a video enjoying his ride. Later he realized that the rider looks exactly like him. They shared a video of their journey that went viral. Although it would have been a matter of surprise to the rider as well as the passenger but it definitely was an amazing moment to both of them.
[Askmf] si kembar terpisah? 😂pic.twitter.com/3K06gOoiyU
— Askmf (@askmenfess) May 17, 2019
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Many of the netizens also commented that they are the twins who would have lost at birth. Even both of their happiness can be actually seen in the picture and the video too ends with a loud laugh of both of them. It would have been really fun for both of them to meet someone who would look exactly like the other.

Anybody who would have been through something like this would never forget the moment ever in their life. Their happiness can clearly be seen and undoubtedly their happiness would have been at the peak when they realized that they look exactly like each other. This must be the best coincidence of both of their life.

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