Iron man, a 2008 Superhero film is based on the Marvel comics character. Majority of people like watching and are fascinated by these kinds of superheroes. But 7-Year-Old Boy Receives Real Iron Man’s Bionic Hand From Iron Man Himself real Iron man is here, this boy who has the real bionic arm which looks exactly like the iron man’s hand. Alex Pring a 7-year-old boy who was born with a deformed right hand but who could be luckier than him as he got the iron man’s bionic hand from the iron man himself who is none other than Robert Downey Jr, the actor who played the character of Iron man.

Robert himself gave the little boy the 3-D printed Iron man’s bionic arm. He also said to the little boy that his arm is much better as it has flickering lights in it. The arm works on a

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Albert Manero, a Fulbright scholar and doctoral student created this arm in a very low cost of US $350 that is Rs.24794.88 which is very less in comparison to the traditional ones that costed up to US $40,000 that is Rs.2833700.
“Albert has made it so affordable,” the actor said. “I’m probably going to start farming out a lot of my tech work to Albert, too. I feel like he could cut down the price point on one of my suits, which is I guess about now a billion and a half dollars,” Robert said.

The little boy and Robert were connected through the Microsoft’s Collective project which aims at spreading positivity in the society. Alex’s and Robert’s meeting was captured in a video which Robert posted on his Social media account.

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