Microsoft founder Bill Gates has a property of $95 billion, but still, he had to wait in a queue for a burger just like any other individual. On Tuesday, Bill Gates was spotted in casual wear outside a fast food joint Dick’s Drive-In in Seattle, Washington. The Microsoft founder ordered a deluxe burger costing $ 3.40, fries costing $1.90 and a large coke costing $2.38.
More Info: Facebook

A former Microsoft employee Mike Galos spotted Bill Gates and clicked his pictures. Mike Galos shared the picture on Facebook with the caption, “When you’re worth about $100,000,000,000, run the largest charity in the history of the world and stand in line for a burger, fries, and Coke at Dick’s like the rest of us.” He then referred to President Donald Trump and wrote,”
This is how really rich people behave unlike the gold toilet seat wannabe poser in the White House.”

Just like an ordinary man, the picture of Bill Gates received more than 17000 likes and 14000 shares. People left various comments on the posts. One said, ‘Nobody seems to notice him…he fits right in.’ Another one said,’
He’s my kind of guy!’ ‘I know he’s a sucker for a good, greasy tech-fuel burger.’ a third person said.

In spite of being a billionaire, Bill Gates took Kendrick Lamar’s advice of being humble. Mike Galos, the former Microsoft employee said, “Bill’s not big on attention but is generally friendly and understands he’s a bit of a celebrity. I’ve chatted with him at parties before but on the street or in a restaurant I don’t know him well enough to go over and say hi.”

During Gate’s appearance at the University of Washington in the year 2011, he told that money did not change his cravings for delicious foods. He said,”
I can understand wanting to have millions of dollars, there’s a certain freedom, meaningful freedom, that comes with that. But once you get much beyond that, I have to tell you, it’s the same hamburger. Dick’s has not raised their prices enough.”

However, Bill Gates is not the only billionaire with a craving for fast food, president Donald Trump is also a great fan of McDonald’s. Trump recently shared his enduring love for fast food with a college championship football team.

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