Woman Replaces All The Pictures Of Her Ex With A Steak To Cover Her ‘Misteak’


We have our own way to deal with toxic people in our lives. For some people, it is through getting extremely drunk or to replace them with a better option. The easiest and cliche way though is to delete their pictures. But when you delete a memory, it more or less deletes that part of your life as well. A woman in the US, found the best answer to this. She replaced her boyfriend in all her pictures with a steak.

Picture Courtesy: Bored Panda

Yes, you read it correct! Danielle was dejected as anyone would be when she broke off with her boyfriend. The toughest part though was to delete the pictures that she had of him. But she found a better way when she replaced all his pictures with a steak.

The Woman Covered Her Misteak Of A Boyfriend With A Steak Instead Of Deleting Pictures

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According to her, it was finally her turn to get away from the most evil and terrible person she had met in her life.

The Woman Covered Her Misteak Of A Boyfriend With A Steak Instead Of Deleting Pictures

Danielle herself doesn’t know the answer as to “Why Steak” but it’s just she loves food and a good steak with a nice char would give her happiness.

The Woman Covered Her Misteak Of A Boyfriend With A Steak Instead Of Deleting Pictures

Her main aim was to keep some of the halfway decent pictures she had. Controlling, violent, drugs, you name it and the woman ‘s ex-boyfriend had all these qualities.

The Woman Covered Her Misteak Of A Boyfriend With A Steak Instead Of Deleting Pictures

What could be the best way to replace a toxic thing in your life? Replace that mistake with something that gives you happiness. And that’s exactly what this woman did with her ex-boyfriend.

The Woman Covered Her Misteak Of A ex Boyfriend With A Steak Instead Of Deleting Pictures

“It’s hard to be in a bad mood with steak,” Danielle was quoted as saying.

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