Humans age with time, at least that’s what we thought was true but after having a look at this 50-year-old dentist from South Korea, you will doubt your own beliefs about the human body. This denstist is defying
More Info: Lee Su Jin

Here we are talking about Lee Su Jin, the dentist from South Korea who is apparently 50 years old but looks half of age. Lee Su Jin was born in the year 1969. She is practicing dentistry for over 16 years now. Due to her age-defying ability, she is quite famous on Instagram with 116k followers in today’s date.

She became famous after being the part of a South Korean television show. That’s when people noticed her and became amazed by her flawless beauty that defies the aging.

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As per the reports, Lee Su Jin, the 50-year-old dentist was actually very addicted to taking selfies and posting them online. And due to this, her relations were getting sour with her daughter. The dispute has come to the point where her daughter stopped talking to her because of her this addiction.

But seems like things have sorted now because Lee Su Jin is frequently spotted posting heartfelt pictures with her daughter.

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Where her flawless and ageless beauty stunned many people, there were some people who were sure that she had gone through various plastic surgeries to achieve such skin. But even then we can not deny the fact that she is flawlessly beautiful and has an amazing body.