22 Simple Things That Will Make Your Life More Beautiful


Life is not always a simple cakewalk for everyone. Sometimes you go through stressful situations or boring periods that disturb your mental peace. But there are a few things you can do to take your mind off of the stress and enjoy each beautiful phase of your life. Here’s a list of things we swear by:

1. Going for a walk

A little walk in the neighborhood or your garden will not only energize you but will also make you feel free. Just a walk for some amount of time will make you feel better about your life

2. Enjoy the silence

Spend some time in silence and experience the peace it will bring you. This is the most effective and simple tip for success, contemplating in silence gives you clarity

Simple life is beautiful

3. Maintain a Healthy diet

Cut down on junk and incorporate fresh fruits and veggies, most importantly hydrate. Keeping your body healthy is also the best way to keep your mind healthy

4. Make people happy

When you see other people smile, it will make you happy in return. Happiness is said to be contagious. When you realise that you made someone happy with your simple efforts, it automatically puts you in a great mood, and vice-versa

Simple life is beautiful
  1. Conserve your Energy

Avoid doing things that do not yield positives, like gossip, or brooding about the past. it will only result in wasting your precious energy on unwanted things. You rather save it to make your life more beautiful

  1. Follow the golden principle

This is the best way to maintain a good social life as well as your mental peace. Have breakfast by yourself, lunch with your friends and dinner with your enemies

Simple life is beautiful
  1. Stop the hate

Hating is a waste of time, let go of negativity and anger, and witness the beautiful positive outcomes. Not only will it bring you joy, but will make you realize that it was so much of unnecessary effort which wouldn’t benefit you from any direction

  1. Accept life the way it is

Life is never perfect; we need to accept it with all the highs and lows. When you are mature enough to understand that, you will find your self appreciating even the hard times, because you tend to learn from it and not repeat the same mistakes

Simple life is beautiful
  1. Take a breather

From all the stressful activities in the day, take time out to rest it out and revitalize yourself. You do not need to constantly keep doing things that physically and mentally pressurize you, just take a break

  1. It’s not always a win

You can’t always win everything, if you never lose you will never appreciate the times when you win. Take every failure as a learning, and use it to make your next time count

Simple life is beautiful
  1. Never compare yourself

Everyone’s journey in life is different, you cannot compare your failures or triumphs with someone else. If you do, you will never be happy with where you are and what you have achieved

  1. Don’t be hung up on your past

You cannot change what happened, so its best to learn from it and let it go. Don’t let it ruin your beautiful future. Realise that you have the power to turn it around as you move forward in life

Simple life is beautiful
  1. Taking responsibility for your actions

Sometimes, you need to understand the failures and stop blaming others if it’s your fault. Simple! It will give you a sense of closure, and its always okay to make mistakes. but do not realize it was your fault is the biggest mistake of all

  1. Time heals everything

As time passes, you will forget about the hard times and better days will take over. Let time do its thing, and you just sit back and let the magic happen

Simple life is beautiful
  1. Always help your loved ones

When you see the need, always step in to support your loved ones because that is the true purpose of living. Helping your loved ones will not only make their lives better but will also give you the satisfaction of being helpful when they needed you. Someday, the same people will not hesitate to show a simple act of support for you in times of your need

  1. Do not bother about people’s opinions

Someone wise once said, whether they think it is right or wrong, people will always have something to say about it, might as well do what makes you happy

Simple life is beautiful

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  1. Hard times do not last forever

The reason we go through hard times is that when the good times come, we can appreciate them better. So just hang on, your good times are on the way

  1. Change is inevitable

Nothing ever remains the same, that’s just the way life is. There’s no point in holding on to something that will indefinitely change in the future, therefore, its best to keep your expectations accordingly. sometimes change can even be beautiful

Simple life is beautiful
  1. Keep your loved ones close

Keeping in touch with your near and dear ones is essential especially your friends, who will never stop supporting you through good and bad times

  1. Stop being jealous

Being jealous brings out a negative side of us. It prevents us from seeing reality, and makes our minds dwell on negative things

Simple life is beautiful


  1. Always be grateful

Appreciate everything that is good, instead of finding faults in everything

  1. Focus on teaching

Teaching what you know will only make your knowledge stronger

Simple life is beautiful

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If you adopt these simple actions in your daily life, you will lead a much happier and beautiful life.