The internet is a crazy place, isn’t it? Things go viral on the net in matter of seconds, doesn’t matter if they are fake or real. With improving technologies people are becoming more techno friendly and opting various skills to edit the pictures and they are getting so perfect that anybody could easily be fooled. And there are many fake viral pictures surfing on the internet but most of them are fake. It’s a famous saying that ‘Don’t believe everything that you see on internet’ and today we are going to give you 20 reasons showing why exactly you shouldn’t!
Following is the list of fake viral pictures from the Internet that fooled us into believing that they are real:
1. This picture of a tied up lion to film the intro of MGM is totally fake as this picture belongs to 1970 and the lion is going through a CAT scan.

2. Someone photoshopped the bag of marijuana in place of easter eggs in this astronaut’s hand.

3. They have turned this cute little kitten into an angry one by adding eyebrows.

4. Just a time ago a picture of this amazing rice wave surfaced the internet but the actual reality is that it’s a photoshopped image and the rice wave is a sculpture from a fake food shop.

5. The heartbreaking image of a child sleeping between the parent’s grave is actually staged by the photographer.

6. Another fake viral picture that has been surfacing the internet.

7. Well, this one is undoubtedly hilarious but this is also fake one.

8. A castle on the top of a rock is actually fake and it’s a mixture of two pictures.

9. The pilot selfie’s actual reality.

10. I know you must be really disappointed to know that this picture is actually fake. There was no black lion, only an edited white one.

11. Someone adjusted the moon in order to make it fit perfectly on the skycrapper.

12. You might be relieved that this picture is not real.

13. I know the dwarf giraffe looked really cute but

14. This picture of a poor bear chasing the national geographic photographers is also fake.

15. The first black and white picture was to tell the origination of dab but the reality is, it was taken from a movie set, named Dunkirk in 2017.

16. The picture from NASA during a Hindu festival, Deewali is also fake.

17. Picture of the Romney family

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18. Fake photo of a space shuttle.

19. Einstein riding a bicycle during the bomb explosion is actually the combination of two images.

20. Though other fake viral pictures might have disappointed you, the fake picture of this tourist clicking pictures righ before the 9/11 attack must have made you feel relieved.