Woman Claims She No Longer Need Food To Eat As She Follows Breatharianism


Losing weight, staying fit are some of the main goals of every woman. As a female body has more tendency to get out of shape when compared to the male body. Recently, a lot of diets and exercises have come up to maintain a healthy lifestyle of people. Especially for the ones who are struggling hard to overcome disease or to lose weight. Many of these diets have amazed us with the results while many other diets have failed to deliver what was promised. A recent diet called breatharianism has come into light where individuals are replacing solid food with breathing.

Women Claims She No Longer Need Food To Eat and energy As She Follows Breatharianism diet

Among all these things, A 25-year-old women live on liquid food and claims that she no longer needs solid food to stay healthy and alive as she follows breatharianism. She gets her energy for the entire day from breathing exercise, smoothies, teas, and juices.

Audrea Bear, who is from Minneapolis claims that her personality, health, and active life is only because of breatharianism and prana. Prana is a type of practice and energy where she says, during breathing they not only inhale oxygen but also prana, from which they get nutrition.

Women Claims She No Longer Need Food To Eat and energy As She Follows Breatharianism diet

Every day she takes out time for this 40 minutes breathing exercise, which she found a replacement for all the solid foods and lives on juices, smoothies, and teas for the whole day. But according to scientists and studies, they claim that this practice can be harmful and there are no such evidence where breathing can be nutritious for humans or practice called breatharianism.

She maintains herself by fasting and breathing. Apparently, her record of fasting was for about 97 days where she lived only on fruits, vegetables, and breathing. She says that she has been feeling very active and good since then.

Women Claims She No Longer Need Food To Eat and energy As She Follows Breatharianism diet

She explained: “Prana is another word for energy, also known as Qi or Chi. It is a life-giving force that flows in, through and around all things, it’s in the air we breathe, the sunshine, nature, connections with people and all living things.

“It is a powerful energy that actually has the ability to fuel and sustain us as humans.

“Living a pranic lifestyle is about shifting your focus from nourishing your body with denser sources (food) to less dense sources (energy), all the while keeping in mind that food is not bad, you can enjoy food if you want to.”

Women Claims She No Longer Need Food To Eat and energy As She Follows Breatharianism diet

Nutrition scientist Helena Gibson-Moore warned: “A diet that only includes fruit juices and teas is likely to be low in energy so although initial weight loss may occur, in the long term you will be missing out on important nutrients for good health.’

Let us opt for good healthy living and not crash diets.

Source: Instagram

Read more: This Woman Lost 30 Pounds In 100 Days By Just Cutting Off 4 Things From Her Diet