Since it’s release PUBG mobile has been one of the most addictive games and has gained a lot of popularity especially among teenagers. The game is reaching another level among the people. Though games are for entertainment there have been some incidents that have made the game’s negative aspects visible. There have been many cases showing the bad results of the game. The most recent example of the PUBG addiction would be a boy stole Rs 50000 from his father to buy PUBG skins.

This is a 15-year-old teenager boy is studying in 10th standard and he stole Rs. 50000 from his father and bought a gamepad to play the game. He used the money that remained after buying the gamepad in buying PUBG skins and other cosmetic items in the game.

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The matter came out as the boy’s father who is a bike mechanic filed a police complaint when he got to know about the loss. He also claimed that he did not receive any message about the transaction from the bank. Later after the investigation, it turned out that the boy transferred the money to his friend’s P

There have been some other recent cases of PUBG addiction in which one man mistakenly drank acid instead of water while playing the game. Another case was of a man who attacked his soon to be brother in law while he was playing the game and his phone’s battery was draining and his brother in law did not help him to find his charger.