The royal family of England is known to all of us. They are always making headlines for one reason or another. Sometimes it’s a royal wedding and sometimes it’s a shocking statement by someone. This time, it’s Prince Harry who’s making the headlines for his statement to ban the survival game called Fortnite. He has called for a ban on Fortnite terming it addictive. Prince Harry’s words added to the ongoing debate on whether gaming can be harmful to health. His call for a ban on Fortnite has sparked even more fire and people from all over the world are raising questions on the viability of such ban.
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Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex spoke at an event at YMCA, London about the harmful effects of social media and gaming. He said, “That game shouldn’t be allowed. Where is the benefit of having it in your household? The game has been created to addict, an addiction to keep you in front of a computer for as long as possible. This game, ‘Fortnite’, is irresponsible. It’s like waiting for the damage to be done and kids turning up on your doorsteps and families being broken down.”

Fortnite is a success among teenagers. Banning the game might not solve the problem that Prince Harry is talking about. The end goal of the game is to survive. Each match has a total of 99 players and they all try to achieve the same goal. Fortnite has 200 million users around the world. So, it’s quite clear how famous this game is and banning it can create problems. The game in question is free to download and people can spend money to purchase something during the game. If you are planning to download it, you better make it fast. People might take Prince Harry’s words seriously and can actually ban the game.

Some doctors, instead of prescribed drugs are prescribing time off from such addictive games. They are giving serious thought to the effects of such games. Studies show the side-effects of such games on personal relationships too. The addiction to Fortnite is such that kids are being sent to rehab. Parents say that the game is costing their kids a normal lifestyle. Kids are not only playing this game in their homes but are using Fortnite even in classrooms. Prince Harry’s call to ban Fortnite hence comes as a respite for many. and the game is proving to be really addictive.

The implications of Prince Harry’s speech is yet unknown in the future of Fortnite. Let’s pray the decision is just.