Overweight John Lindo is a professional swing dancer and has proved his true passion to the world by becoming a winner of many dance competitions. He travels to many countries either performing or teaching swing dancing and is a very popular figure in New York’s City West Coast swing scene. He is a deejay, dancer, a judge, an organizer, and a choreographer.
More Info: John Lindo
During the ’90s in a West Coast Swing Competition when John Lindo stepped on to the stage with his partner Deborah Szekely, the audience was aghast to see an overweight John.

Little did they realize that this overweight swing dancer could get them on their toes with his stylish dance moves. And yes, he did, from the very moment the music started.

Both he and his partner went on to become the winner of this West Coast swing Jack and Jill competition. This is where he earned his name and people recognized this overweight swing dancer.

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The moment the music started, with a lot of attitudes their feet just began moving rapidly, twisting and twirling their bodies and giving all the splits that were needed to make it one awesome performance.

This Jack and Jill paring format in the competition, where the couples competing are the outcomes of random matching, not knowing who the partner will be. They have to instantly dance using their basic instinct without any rehearsals.


John’s dance career took off to a flying start from here and he never ever had to look back. Those who doubted his overweight size are now applauding him

This swing dancing was established way back in the ’40s and ’50s that was based on the tune of blues, jazz, country and added swing too. Later on, rock and roll also stepped into this dancing act.

In 1992 John started his career with country western dance and very soon made his reputation in the circuit of the West Coast Swing from where he became a winner of many competitions and awards.

Now, a very famous and popular figure in the world of dance, who has proved the world that overweight guys can dance too.


His dance moves are so cool that even those who know nothing about dancing or are dance critics, would want to get up and dance or take lessons from John after seeing all his videos.

You would be one lucky person to get into his dance academy and begin dancing like him and he also provides private instructions. No idea, how much he charges, but surely it’s gonna be expensive after all that hype he’s gathered.

He is always surrounded by beautiful women, who obviously are swing dancers like John, with plenty of skills and flexibility.

John believes that you can get the attention of the audience with your unique rhythm and moves, in spite of how you look or what’s your size. You never need to be body conscious and just hit the floor.

You never need to be someone with an inbuilt dancing skill, but to have that desire to do something incredibly out of this world. And that shall fetch you all the praise, awards, fame and name. Just impress the judges, the audience, and the opposite s3x.

Here are some of the amazing dance videos of John Lindo, the first is where he became the winner for the first time with his partner Deborah. Then watch the rest and dance away to glory.