Most people fear getting caught by police for they could get fined or given a punishment. But a Taiwanese man who was caught by a police officer was willing to get fined and being arrested. Zhong Xinjuan a 32 year old police officer from Kaohsiung City Police Department’s Yuya Branch in Taiwan.

The man was astonished looking to the beautiful police officer and even asked her to arrest him. He also clicked the police officer and posted the photograph on social media. Her photo became viral and her beauty and charming smile was appreciated by everyone.
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Zhong Xinjuan was born in Kaohsiung City and dreamt of becoming and police officer. She graduated from Taiwan police college and achieved her goal. She believes that as a police officer she could make the world a lot more better place. To the surprise she was chosen as a model for the annual calendar as displayed on the police department’s bulletin board.

Zhong Xinjuan is the in charge of personal affairs like domestic violence to children or marriage disputes. Hope her pure thoughts may bring some change and she be able to make the place better and help people. These thoughts will help her achieve great success in her life and help her do her work in a more better way.

We are in touch with the social media every time. We have come across some memes of men letting some beautiful police officers arrest them. But here this incident happened in reality. The police officer has set every one awestruck with her beauty and became an online phenomenon.
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