We always look for a partner who stays with us in every situation. The one who cares for us, love us and wants to be with us in every thick and thin. Getting to know if they have been cheating on you is really heart breaking and nothing can be worse than going through this phase. Cheating on your partner is definitely wrong and someone who does this should also be ready for facing the consequences.
More Info: Twitter

Something that happened in Indonesia is really rare. The man who got to know his girlfriend was cheating on him wanted to break up with her and took it to another level. Recently a video was shared on twitter which showed a couple quarreling on the street. Initially, you may think it of a common quarrel between a couple. But later, when the camera pans over the billboard on the street it gets clear that it isn’t a common thing happening.

Read more: 8 Couples Shared Same Pictures With Different Captions and The Result Is Hilarious
The billboard contained his girlfriend’s name with her photo on it. The billboard said that “You have broken my heart. You cheated on me. I want to break up” (Translated).
The video was posted on the social media 9th March, Saturday. The video got about 18200 like and was re twitted about 30000 times. Some of the people really felt bad for the man but some of them thought it to be a fake video. Later the user who originally posted the video confirmed that it isn’t a fake video and it is a real incident captured.
Watch the video here: Click here
Breaking someone’s heart isn’t acceptable at all. You must always make it worth if someone rely on you. It is really sad to know someone can do this and that too with the one who have trusts you.