Now-a-days because of internet, connectivity has become a cakewalk. There’s absolutely no hassle regarding finding an old friend or sticking a conversation with a total stranger. That’s the magic of social networking. However, even after this magic, some people are still left alone. Inspite of such an awesome social media life, loneliness is still the most prevalent when it comes to adults. Approximately 50% of adults either can’t find love or they can’t stay in a relationship for a longer period. The increasing divorce and breakup is the proof to that. The reasons why people can’t find love will give you a good jolt.
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1. Lack of respect
Respect builds the very foundation of any relationship. If you just jump into any relationship without the proper ingredients, you sure are going to get half cooked love. Respect yourself and respect your partner. When there’s mutual respect from both sides, your love will bloom.

2. An ideal relationship
If you are a big rom-com fanatic, it’s time to let go of those fantasies. Nothing is perfect in this world. Certainly not a relationship. If you can’t find love, the probable reason is that you might have built an image of a perfect relationship in your mind. As a result, whenever you are with someone, you compare with that fictional idea of yours. Forget those ideas and embrace what life brings your way.

3. No respect for private space
Every person is different and everyone has got his or her peculiar habits. If you can’t find love, one of reason is you are unwilling to look beyond those differences. If you can’t stand those habits of your partner, leave. Don’t force them to change those. Also, don’t get manipulative in order to get rid those habits of your partner. No one likes being around a manipulative person.

4. Hard to forgive
There comes a time in every relationship when you find it hard to forgive your partner. I know some mistakes can be unforgivable but for the sake of the relationship, you have to try. Don’t forget that this is the person you fell for. Think of how much you have invested in this relationship and withhold your judgement. Give your partner another chance.

5. Not ready for a relationship
Not everyone is cut out for relationships. A relationship requires a lot of work and definitely some adjustments. If you think that love is the answer to all your worries, yet you can’t find love then you might be thinking wrong. Look into yourself and find out what you really want. Love might not be the perfect answer to your miseries.

6. Full of yourself
If you are all about yourself, being in a relationship will give you a hard time. When in a relationship, it’s always about two people. You can’t let your ego do the talking. Let go of your ego if you really want the relationship to work. If you can’t find love, work on this behaviour of yours. Realise that everything, everytime, is not about you.

If you are can’t find love, the reason is you. First understand who are you and what you really need. The rest will just workout fine.