Sometimes even the happiest of the news can bring too much disappointment in your life. For example, the news of a pregnancy. Sudden news of pregnancy can give you a cardiac arrest. A “genius” got totally freaked out after he mistook his girlfriend’s thermometer as a positive pregnancy test. He has redefined dumbness. Like seriously. How is it even possible? This is like taking an orange for an apple. So, he thought his girlfriend is 100 degrees pregnant. We are forced to think he was under the spell of weed. That’s the only possible answer for this “100 degrees pregnant” fiasco.
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This so-called genius is an 18 year old guy, Izzak Torres from Costa Mesa, California. He woke up at 4am when he received a text message from his girlfriend Venessa Marie. It was an image of a thermometer with a reading of 100 degrees Fahrenheit captioned “holy f***”. Little did she know that her harmless thermometer image will make her boyfriend think it’s a positive pregnancy test and that she’s 100 degrees pregnant.

The girlfriend said she was tired and wanted to sleep but couldn’t because of the fever. That’s why she captioned the thermometer image as “holy f***”. She slept soon after sending that image. When she woke up at 11am, she saw her boyfriend has replied, “how”, “WTF”, and “your on birth control” on the thermometer image. Thank goodness she didn’t pass out of shock. It must’ve been hard for her to believe that her boyfriend thought she’s 100 degrees pregnant.

After this news got viral, twiteratti laughed their heart out over this confusion of pregnancy test. They made fun of this guy for taking a thermometer as a positive pregnancy test. At this, Torres replied that his relationship is great and they both are strong. They posted the image so that people can enjoy it but not to become the butt of all jokes. For people who genuinely want to learn what a thermometer and a positive pregnancy test looks like, please google the same. And just so you know, there’s nothing called “100 degrees pregnant”.
To all the girls who are wishing for a positive pregnancy test, we wish you are not 100 degrees pregnant. And guys, please don’t kill yourself before finding out whether it’s a thermometer or an actual pregnancy test.