Cupid has mysterious ways of working. Trust me, he really does. If you are an ardent disbeliever of love, this one will be a shock to you. A girl went to the cinemas to catch a show of Aladin and ends up falling for a total stranger whom she finds online 12 hours later. As I said, Cupid has a way. Or, should I say, Cupid was also present at the cinemas? If you want to know the entire story behind this amazing yet creepy encounter, scroll down.
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Have you ever heard the phrase, “whatever happens, happens for good.” This girl initially planned the trip to the cinemas with her friends who ditched her at the last moment. Because friends right? However, this very incident made her fall in love with this stranger. Thank heavens she found him 12 hours later online or let’s just say that she stalked him. She said, “When I was inside I saw that a handsome guy was sitting next to me. However, I had accidentally fallen asleep for about 20 minutes during one part of the cinema and woke up suddenly to find that the guy next to me was holding my hand!”

She also said, “I tried to let go of his hand, but he was holding on really tightly, so we held hands until the end of the movie. He let go of my hand at that time and walked out of the cinema. He looks like he was about 183cm tall, wearing Levi’s jeans and a jacket as well as some Vans sneakers. Why didn’t you give me your contact number?”.

This girl later submitted her encounter to UTAR Confessions with a hope to find this stranger. She realized that she had developed a soft corner for this stranger. C’mon who won’t after such an amazing moment. People even claimed that she might have dreamed the entire scenario. To prove all these wrong, she found the stranger 12 hours later online after she stalked him.

After she found the stranger from the cinemas 12 hours later, she said, “I’m the girl who watched Aladdin and met the handsome stranger next to me. Thanks to this page, I managed to find the stranger as he was one of the people who liked the original post. We chatted for a while and confirmed that we were indeed sitting next to each other in the cinema. I’m really happy that my friend decided to cancel at the last minute so that I can meet this new friend of mine.”

This generally doesn’t happen. How often do you actually get hold of someone you met at the cinemas? That too 12 hours later? That’s why when people praised her stalking skills, they weren’t exactly wrong. And the reason she met him because her stalking game was on point. Her posts got more than 2k likes and a lot of attention.

12 hours or an eternity, finding the perfect partner is always a bliss.