Funny Comic Strips Captures The Difference Between Love And Lust


There is a very thin line that separates love and lust. If you are in a relationship, sometimes it’s hard to tell if your partner really loves you or only fantasizes about being in bed with you. The effective yet harmless way to find out the difference between the two is simply by observing their actions. Actions speak more than words and it shows how a person really feels about you. In below given comic strips, a brilliant Artist named Karina Farek tried to differentiate between love and lust in a funny way.

The difference of actions given in the following comic strips is easy to notice. This could a kind of self-test that you can take on behalf of your partner to know their true feelings about you. The comparison that the artist portrayed in these illustrations is funny yet relatable.

More Info: Karina Farek | College Humor

1. Paying bill doesn’t indicate that he is just lusty about you but he should be there for you too when you need him because love is never about money.

comic strips showing difference between love and lust

2. Choose a person who takes care of your needs over the one who buys useless gifts just to get in bed with you.

comic strips showing difference between love and lust

3. A person who sees you beautiful just the way you are even when you are at your worst is the one who really loves you.

4. If he only fantasizes about being in bed with you and never thinks about spending some quality time with you then he is not the one for you. 


comic strips showing difference between love and lust

5. If you always have to ‘behave’ in order to impress him then he may be not in love with you because the person who really loves you will let you be yourself and will love you anyway.
comic strips showing difference between love and lust

6. A person who enjoys doing ‘nothing’ with you.

comic strips showing difference between love and lust

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