Divorce Explained In 7-Panel Comic Strip


Divorce is a tough time for both husband and wife but mainly if affects the children. We all wish for a happy family where there is just love and warmth everywhere, a set of parents who care about each other, family who stands for you through thick and thin is pretty much all we expect from a home. But it is quite painful to admit that getting a happy family is also rare these days. No one can understand the pain of children whose parents are getting divorced then themselves. But this artist tried to summon up their pain in this 7-panel comic strip that will give you a better understanding of the consequences.

Divorce happens when either or both of the partners fail to solve the arising problem in their marriage, or fail to fulfill each other’s expectations, or also because if one or both lose feelings for each other. Divorce is already a sad phenomenon in itself but it becomes worse when children are also involved. It is so hard for them to see their family falling apart and the feeling of helpless that they could do nothing to save it but just see their parents getting separated is probably the worst feeling ever.

Pain Of Children During Their Parent's Divorce Explained In 7-Panel Comic Strip

Pain Of Children During Their Parent's Divorce Explained In 7-Panel Comic Strip

Pain Of Children During Their Parent's Divorce Explained In 7-Panel Comic Strip

Pain Of Children During Their Parent's Divorce Explained In 7-Panel Comic Strip

Pain Of Children During Their Parent's Divorce Explained In 7-Panel Comic Strip

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Undoubtedly it hurts so much. But what hurts more is that when after divorce both of your parents get so much involved with their lives that they completely forget about your existence and forget their duty and responsibility as a parent. This artist has tried to explain exactly the same through his 7-panel comic strip that how everything changes when your family breaks and how you become the victim of all the sufferings in the end. The painful comic will break your heart.

Image Credits: BoredPanda