We all know that no one can love a kid more than the mother but when it comes to the daughter’s dads have a special corner for them. Fathers can do anything to protect their daughters. Here we have one such story where a father arrived to rescue his daughter like an iron man in school where her classmates called her a liar.

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We are talking about Bao Guojian and his daughter Lele from Beijing, China. It all started when Lele was 7 and told her classmates that his father is an Iron man. On this, her classmates started teasing and calling her a liar.
This made her very sad and suddenly his father arrived in school wearing a costume of the popular avenger. It all sounds like a fairy tale but true.

Bao told that one day his daughter came back to home with a sad face and when he asked her the reason she shared that how her friends teased her when she said that he father is an iron man.
So, next day he appeared in her school wearing an iron man costume.

“My daughter was so happy on that day, she kept walking in front of me while holding my hand, telling everyone she saw that ‘this is my dad,'” said Bao while sharing his experince in Lele’s school.
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Let us tell you that Lele’s dad is a prop maker and a huge marvel fan. In 2008, after the realease of Iron man, the super dad decided to make his own version of Tony stark’s armor.

Means, Lele was not lying while telling his classmates that his father is an Iron man but just believing what he saw his father doing.
Below is the video of the same, watch it out.
Image Source: Youtube