These days, internet surprises us with new trends every single day. From viral pictures to challenges, you get something new everyday. Similarly, a guy’s picture got viral who is frying rice with a giant wave. As soon as his picture got viral, the giant rice wave turned into a photoshop battle.
Actually the orignial photo is a screenshot from a youtube channel named Mizutamari Bond. The channel is managed by the duo Kanta and Tommy where they share their daily videos of pranks.
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Recently, they posted a video where Tommy is seen making fried rice, while tossing the rice, he creates a giant rice wave in the pan. The screenshot left the netizens shocked.
The photo of this giant rice wave has turned out into a photoshop battle. People around the world are photoshopping the original picture with their own iamgination and participating in this online photoshop battle.
Here is the original picture of rice wave.

Below are the photoshopped pictures. Scroll down and see how people are participating in this virtual photoshop battle.
1.When you wanna surf but you’re also hungry.

2. Now, thats deep fried rise! Remember when your ass was on fire? Rice to the occasion!

3. “You’re a wizard Harry”

4. Cooking in Universe, not a bad idea.

5. Watch out for the rice wave! Oh no! He has air-pods in and can’t hear us!!!!

6. Stay frosty royal milk rice.

7. I did not EGGSPECT that to happen.

8. It looks like rice kripsy treats, or captain crunch.

9. Its fried as you float ashore, kiddo!

10. Eating while cooking, brilliant idea! Isn’t it?

11. The best one!

12. Eggcellent!

13. This totally rocks..!!

14. The lesser-known Rice Bender.

15. It brings me much more joy than makes sense.

16. Let’s dive into a rice wave.

17. The eyes make this soo much better. Quality photoshop.

18. Ah mister Heisenberg, the cook.

19. He gets to have the rice all to himself.

20. Times have changed.

21. Ride the crest and shove the paddle, you know where!

22. Fry me a river

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23. Sasuke lost to some rice?

24. Iceberg water! Liquid platinum! Move over middle east.

25. Pokémon about to gobble!


27. Is that the wave of 2020 Trump voters?

28. This one was inevitable.