You may come across a relationship where your partner just want a physical relationship with you. It means he is with you just for your body and will leave you after his lust is fulfilled. To not get your heart broken by this kind of a player, it is better to spot him immediately and kick him out of your life. Now the real question is, how will you do that, well there are several ways to find out if your Boyfriend really loves you or just wants to get into your pants and we have listed these signs in this article.
Following Are The Signs That Shows That Your Boyfriend Is Just After Your Body And Not Your Heart:
1. If he do not put any efforts in making you feel special and always takes you for granted then it means he probably doesn’t actually care about your happiness and just looking for a way to get into your pants.

2. Whenever you both talk, if he never lets you finish and just talk about himself the whole time and do not even listen to what you are saying then chances are, he is not interested in you or your life and just looking for a physical relationship.

3. If the boyfriend of yours always request you to get intimate with him and always look for a way to fulfill his lust then it means its all he wants from you.

4. Whenever there is some relationship issue between you two, he never makes an effort to solve it or even discuss it in a first place.

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5. He never cares what makes you happy or even about the things that matter to you. All he cares about is getting physically involved with you.

6. Your boyfriend always wants to hangout at your place and never invite you at his home or to meet his parents. There could be a big sign that he is not taking you seriously.

7. He doesn’t compliment you often or never even show you how much important you are in his life. This means he does not appreciate you as a part of his life.

8. A partner who never listens to your problems, or whatever you have to say is never the one for you. It simply means that he is not interested about your life and just care about being intimate.

9. If he always appear to be flirting with the females around him and he has lots of female friends and has had many relationship in the past that means he is not serious about love and just want physical relationship.

10. If he takes advantage of your love despite you have given him several chances then he is not the one girl. You need to leave him because he is not serious about you.