The truth is, we are all pretty. People admire beautiful people because of their looks, their personality, and their language. Men and women sometimes don’t really know how pretty they are but you know, it just sweeps us away from our feet. Haven’t you heard Gorgeous by Taylor Swift? We find those gorgeous people even more appealing, who don’t even know how nicely they carry themselves. Today, we will talk about a woman who thinks that she is just way too beautiful and her beauty is more of a burden to her. She has such a dilemma and when she wrote an essay about it, the netizens could not keep calm and these netizens started trolling her.

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The woman named Felicia Czochanski is only 20 years old. She feels that she is not respected as a person of this time and people judge her because she is pretty. She was open about her feelings in the article that she had written for the Cosmopolitan magazine. The title of the article was, “People Judge Me Because I’m Pretty.”,and talks about how she feels intimidated and underestimated of her intelligence because she is just too pretty. She is a magazine intern and also a freelance writer. She tells about herself that she is “5-foot-5, girly-girl with blonde hair, big hazel eyes, 34DDs, and toned calves.” Moreover, she said, “Coming to terms with being perceived as ‘beautiful’ wasn’t easy.”

This woman is a student from Fordham University, New York and she wrote in the article, “Imagine how it feels to have heads turn and all eyes on you when you are simply trying to get where you need to be. It doesn’t make me feel beautiful or sexy. It makes me feel like there’s something wrong with me. The scrutiny is never-ending.”

“The immediate thoughts of whether my skirt is too short or my shirt is too low cause me to doubt the professional outfit that I put on in the morning. I wonder if there’s something stuck to my shoe if I forgot to put on some item of clothing, anything that could be wrong with me that would cause people to stare. But it’s typically just because I’m ‘pretty,” and sometimes, it just seems like that’s all society will perceive me to be.”

She said that she doesn’t really think that her “attractiveness so magnetic that it should cause men to stop what they’re doing and be compelled to whistle, cat call, or tell their friends to turn and look” at her. She further added that she was not bragging that people judge her and commented on her appearance.

She is so into herself, so self-obsessed that she wanted people to stop looking at her pretty face and judge her. In fact, she wanted them to look into the other aspects of her life. She says that people instantly forget that she is also very intelligent and is an athlete, and all that she wants to do is to distract people from giving all the attention to her appearance but to look at the other aspects of her life as well.

“I only work sports jerseys and oversized-shirts, I tried to brag and bring up my achievements during conversations so people would know that there was more to me than my looks, and when all else failed, I simply tried to blend in.”

“It was this that set me back while trying to find my true self and passions in life I don’t know myself down personality and appearance wise for years trying to be appreciated for something other than my looks. It was not until leaving home and moving to New York City that I realized how amazing it is to be yourself in such a diverse place, and I never looked back. Sure, I still get catcalled just about every day. When there are no dirty words said, there are still looks, and whistles, and friends tapping friends to ‘look at that chick.” I don’t bother noticing anymore. As I have gotten older, this has expanded to looks and awkward situations from creepy professors, bosses, and coworkers. But again, it is not worth my time, and I ignore it.”

This poor girl thought she would gain readers of her article and thought that netizens would appreciate her mind and body. On the contrary, the netizens trolled her with many narcissistic comments and criticized her taking herself as too pretty. Here is what they said.

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