Many places on this planet keep fascinating many of us with their beauty and grand power that nature has offered them. And one such beauty that people visit time and time again to view, is the Niagara Falls, situated in the border of the United States and modern Canada. Generally, Niagara Falls is one alluring scenic to watch, but during the winters when a severely cold climate sweeps across North America and freezes everything, then it turns into one frozen paradise worth watching.
The severely cold climate has ruined the New Year plans of many in North America, but Niagara Falls has changed into something more beautiful than ever, as it freezes day by day under the cold spell.

When Niagara Falls freezes, it forms gigantic shaped ice falls drooping dubiously on its rocks, making it look gorgeous and reminding us of the winter backdrop from the fantasy movie Narnia.


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Since Niagara Falls freezes due to the below zero temperature, presenting an exquisite scene of its waterfalls all turned huge icy drapes, including it’s surrounding, people still throng to capture this frozen elegant beauty.


Due to the cold climate temperature hitting a minus 4 degrees, which is lesser compared to the freezing temperature in Minnesota and Chicago, where it’s been hit more severely. Yet it’s been damn freezing out here.


Steam rises from below the river where the water is warmer, with the top water layer fully covered in ice, giving the visitors a breathtaking view to capture.

Though the cold climate freezes the majority of the area, yet the flow of water keeps on flowing as usual, once again proving that you can never stop nature from doing what it does best.


Almost every year you get to see this type of cold climate going down below zero levels, but when it goes severely beyond, then it makes it look enchanting and giving the photographers something worth capturing.


If you are an ice lover then this is the right time to visit North America to view how the water freezes and the ice builds, which is so electrifying and pleasant.


It is very dangerous to try and walk over the ice that is formed over a speedily moving water below because if the ice breaks then things could turn ugly in this beautiful atmosphere.


Visitors have been advised not to speak or breathe when out in the open as the weather is severely cold because it could affect the lungs. And this time the cold climate has been the lowest in 150 years.

Many flights have been canceled at the cold climate freezes the runway making it very risky for planes to land as the tires may skid. People living in the Arctic Circle are used to this type of cold climate, but not for people in North America, this is really brutal.

On March 30th, 1848, Niagara Falls restricted the flow of water for more than 40 hours, as the cold climate formed a huge amount of ice that blocked the flow of water and stopped the roaring of those great waterfalls.
