Whether you are a dog person or not, everybody loves the little pups. Little puppies already look adorable but if we see someone with a cute feature, it melts our heart in a second. And the puppy that we are going to introduce today will kill you with its cuteness. This puppy is a Dalmatian dog named Wiley and he is famous for his heart-shaped nose and has gained about 133k followers on Instagram. This is the cutest puppy you would have ever seen and it will arise your love for dogs even if you are not a dog person.
More Info: Wiley/ Instagram

He is just one year old and has gained a lot of popularity over the internet for his heart shaped nose. The dog belongs to a 26 year old woman named Lexi Smith from Colorado and she says for his dog that he is “54 pounds of goofy, clumsy, sassy, hungry, cuddly, curious, wild, crazy, silly, happy love.” As she said, “No amount of pictures on could ever fully capture all that he is and all that he means to me, he’s my best friend.”

Lexi Smith and the dog met last year in 2018 on Saint Patricks’s day in Oklahoma and she says that she did not choose Wiley because of his heart-shaped nose because she knew that dalmatians’ marks changes as they grow but she got to know that what Wiley always do is just sleep, snuggle and eat and she thought they have everything in common already which was the reason she chose Wiley.

Smith says, “We are so lucky to live in Colorado and have the biggest most beautiful places to play in and explore. He loves hiking or going to one of the many massive dog parks here. ”

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She also told that Wiley’s trait absolutely represents he being a Dolmatian as he is really stubborn but also always makes Lexi laugh. Wiley has became so popular that he gets noticed on the streets to and the appreciation he gets is countless. The reason for how everyone got to know Wiley is Lexi’s love for photography. She loves photography and decided to share Wiley’s photographs on the internet.

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