Most women on this planet have dreamt of becoming a bride. We have all sorts of ideas in our head about the attire, the wedding venue, Bridal photoshoot, and what not! But have you ever thought of the cancer survivors? The feelings they go through because of the disease they suffered from.
Picture Credits- naviindranpillai

This woman has broken all the stereotypes with her bridal photoshoot ‘Bold Indian Bride’ where she inspires every woman about accepting themselves and the changes that they go through while fighting cancer.
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Vaishnavi Poovanedran, a breast cancer survivor went viral on the internet after she uploaded the photographs of her bridal photoshoot. She has broken the conception that cancer survivors can’t look beautiful on their wedding.

Vaishnavi is a fighter and has beaten cancer twice. First, she fought breast cancer, but five years down the line she found that it had spread to her liver and backbone. After a lot of medical help and chemotherapies, she beat cancer.
She shared that a number of women cancel or postpone their wedding because they feel that won’t look good as a bride on their wedding day. She shared that the journey was difficult but she didn’t give up on life or herself!

Like any other woman she also had dreams of marrying the love of her life, of being dressed up as a beautiful Indian bride. But the side effects of cancer took away her hair, which left her devastated.
“I felt that I was not beautiful enough to be loved and was not beautiful enough to look or ever feel like a bride. Hair, it is our ‘crowning glory’ and having that taken away from you is devastating. But we choose to accept what we have, appreciate what we are and welcome what is coming.”
Through these photographs she wishes to inspire thousands of women around that nothing can beat your spirit and that spirit is the real beauty. All you need to change is your idea of beauty! Vaishnavi is a real hero!