The Pandemic that is caused by coronavirus has affected the world severely, it has not only claimed the lives of people but has also affected their livelihood, their jobs, their basic needs, and whatnot. With a lot of bad things going on with the world recently, we have brought you good news concerned with the pandemic. Reportedly, more than one million patients are recovered of the coronavirus. However, the number is less as compared to the people it affected but it is still great news considering we haven’t found the antidote yet and this figure also presents the hard work and efforts of our medical staff.

This claim is made by The Johns Hopkins University which compiled the data and tracked the patients’ numbers since the beginning of this pandemic. According to the university, more than one million patients recovered from the coronavirus, and we have hit this milestone just recently.
As per the current statistics, in the whole world, more than 3 million people are affected by this coronavirus and many have also lost their lives in the battle. Reports show that around 230,000 people have died from the pandemic worldwide but the bright side to this as per the international perception is that the recoveries of infected patients are four times more than the deaths.

The United States has become the most affected country from the Pandemic with the recorded cases of more than a million of its own. The USA is followed by Spain, Italy, and the UK in the recorded cases of coronavirus but the difference between the total cases of 1st and 2nd most affected country is almost 0.8 million which is very high. By this data, we can assume that the Pandemic is going to cause a lot of damage to the United States.

However, the USA is also the country with the most number of recovered patients. The country has 153,000 people recover from the coronavirus, followed by Germany 123,000 and Spain 112,000.
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