Jamie Yeoh a 21-year-old from Malaysia shared a post on twitter telling about how kind and lovely her grandfather is. Her grandfather on her birthday wanted to wish her but didn’t know to send a Whatsapp message. He went to a phone shop and asked for help there so that he could wish his granddaughter. Last year, in 2018 he sent a message to her wishing ‘Happy Birthday’ for which he would have definitely taken help from a phone shop. And this time he sends a picture of a birthday wish note which he wrote by himself.
More Info: Jamie Yeoh/ Twitter
Jamie Yeoh told World of Buzz that she is currently studying in Subang whereas her grandfather lives in Penang. She said that they are not very much close to each other but talk regularly on the phone. She also shared that her grandfather is really a kind man and he never forgets the birthday of his granddaughters.
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She also told that her grandfather even remembers their favorite colors. And last Christmas he gifted them coffee mugs of their favorite color. Jamie’s grandfather is a widower. His wife did 20 years back but he still goes to her tombstone with flowers and sings to her on her birthday.

In these days it is hard to see such purity and love in someone’s heart. Getting to know about this man is really heart melting. We sometimes in our busy lives forget to cherish our elders. But we regret it when they are not with us anymore. hope we could spend as much time with them as we can and live the all the best moments with them happily.
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