Animals may not speak but they sure do have feelings. And whenever people develop hatred towards a particular animal just because of its appearance, they must feel bad and unloved. And that’s the story of the cat who was named Ugly because of his appearance. Nobody was allowed to touch that cat because of its ‘ugliness’. However, Ugly always tried to seek attention and love from people but people always seem to ignore him. Sometimes they even throw rocks at him just to get rid of him but nobody truly tried to show affection and love to the poor cat. The unloved cat got famous by the name ‘Ugly’ into the whole area and everybody knew that they should not touch him.

Ugly loved only three things, eating from the garbage, fighting, and love. The first two were parts of his daily routine but ‘love’ was something that was missing from his life a long time ago. The cat with just one eye that he probably lost in a fight and a broken leg was always seen crawling under the feet of people passing by just with a hope that maybe someone will pet him but nobody did. In the name of a tail, he just had a little stump, assuming that his tail must have got broken. Also, Ugly had just one ear left. The missing body parts of this poor cat was believed to be lost during one of his fights.

Ugly always look at people with hope in his eyes that maybe someone would actually under his pain and would pet him for once. The poor cat was thirsty for love for god knows how many years and it remained thirsty till his last breath. One day a Huskey attacked Ugly and he lost the only fight of his life to death and left the world with sadness and sorrow. His wish of seeking affection from people never got completed and the poor animal had nobody at last.
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