Do you remember how you celebrated your 18th? I am sure you must have had fun. But you know Ethan Lindenberger, a teen boy celebrated his 18th birthday by getting vaccinated for everything. You must be thinking that why he got all vaccinations on his 18th but not before? Actually, he has an anti-vaccination mother, who never allowed him to get vaccinated in childhood.
More Info: Reddit

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Ethan is an 18-year-old boy from Ohio, United States.

He has an anti-vaccination mom who stopped him to never inoculated against the crucial vaccination such as hepatitis, measles, rubella, and mumps. She is afraid of vaccinations because once she read on the internet that vaccinations can lead to autism and brain damage.

On the contrary, the teen boy never agreed with his mother on this. He never believed that vaccination can cause any adverse effects. However, as a kid, he couldn’t do anything.
Now, since he is 18 and free he decided to get all the vaccinations independently.

Hence he celebrated his 18th birthday by getting vaccinated for everything.
“My mom had always known I disagreed with her and figured that was going to pass, but it didn’t. When I started looking into it myself, it became very apparent that there was a lot more evidence in defence of vaccinations, in their favour,” said Ethan.

After knowing about his decision of getting vaccinated, his mother was not at all happy. In an interview, she called his son’s act as “a slap in the face.”
Let me tell you that it is not just Ethan’s story, there are many kids facing a similar situation.

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Even Ethan shared his story on Reddit where he got more than 1k responses.
Well! we should not believe such myths and understand its necessity. After all, it is an administration antigenic material to stimulate an individual’s immune system. I hope you all got vaccinated in childhood and if not then get it done now.