People generally look for a good job which offers them sufficient pay. But we have listed a bunch of weird jobs which might appear to you as hilarious and strange. But when these weird jobs offer a good pay then your hesitation to these jobs might fall apart. So if you are among the people who are looking for a job then these jobs are just perfect for you.
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1.Human Scarecrow
Standing in the middle of the field straight despite weather changes can be a difficult task. Although the job is very tough and offers less pay of only 3000 dollars per week people still opt for it.

2.Professional Cuddlers
In this job, you get paid for cuddling the customers. The biggest cuddle market is situated in Japan where teenagers who are upset about their love life and marriages go and get a cuddle.

3.Professional Sleeper
Who would refuse to work where you get paid for sleeping. The hotel makes payment to people so that they can test the quality and comfort of the bed so that these hotels can provide better guest facilities. So people out there who are fond of sleeping go get this job.

4.Tasting Dog’s Food
Since animals cannot justify themselves so in order to decide whether a particular food is good enough for the pet or not there’s a person to taste it and decide if it’s okay for their appetite or not.

5.Train Pusher
In this job, people get paid for pushing the huge crowd inside the train. This job is quite a difficult one because you need the strength to push people inside and to make train pushers have equipped this strength they are trained for about 6-7 months.

6.Human Alarm Clock
Imagine your life with a human alarm clock. Isn’t it going to be easy? Yes, the people working as a human alarm clock where you wake people up and get them ready for their daily task.

7.Elephant Dresser
There are plenty of events where elephants are made to parade down the street. So the job of the elephant dresser is to dress up the elephants and take care of them.