We all are very much fond of online shopping nowadays, after all, it’s really easy and comfortable. You can choose your favorite outfits from home and it will get delivered to you within a few days plus some sites also provide the facility of return and exchange. Online shopping has given a great opportunity to various businesses to flourish plus it has really made shopping easy for all of us. But there’s another side to it which you may not have thought upon. It’s the deliveryman who travels in every kind of season and situation to bring to you your parcel on time and I think we sometimes fail to give them the respect they deserve.
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A recent story regarding the concern is shared on Facebook that revealed this unseen side of Online shopping. A woman named Bea Aspiras who belongs to the Philippines witnessed this whole story and shared it with netizens. She saw a deliveryman waiting in sun to deliver the parcel. The man waited for hours for the receiver to come and receive her parcel.

Even after coming so late, the lady who came to claim the order greeted him so casually that she is not at all sorry for her behaviour. And that was really inhuman from her side as everybody deserves respect and nobody deserves to be treated badly regardless of the profession.
In her Facebook post, Bea Apiras said, “They don’t deserve to be mistreated physically or bad-mouthed as we do not have any idea what they had to go through just to deliver what you bought.”

To conclude I would just like to say, as a human it is our duty to make other’s life easier or at least don’t make it miserable. They are just trying to do their job and we should appreciate their hard work.
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