If you haven’t heard about it yet, here’s what is trending on the internet this week: #TrashTag Challenge.

Simple gesture originally started as a contest in the year 2015 by UCO (Also known as Utility, Comfort and Originality, an outdoor gear company) has taken over the internet this week almost four years later. In the contest the company was giving out free outdoor gear to those who cleaned up trash and click photos to prove it. The basic premise of the challenge involves clicking a picture of a trashy area before cleaning and after clearing the trash.
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This challenge was brought back by a Facebook user called Byron Román by posting about his challenge. The post soon went viral and many other social media users started to follow his example.
It was a real inspiration to young generation, who were readily cleaning up their neighbourhood and posting it on their social media feed with #TrashTag Challenge.
Here are some shining examples of people all over the world who are taking up #TrashTag Challenge on various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram:

For a change, the internet is trending a challenge that will really help our planet become cleaner. It also inspires netizens to keep our surroundings clean.
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The Trashtag challenge can also be seen as an awareness drive to warn people not to throw plastic and trash outside in a irresponsible manner. Showing people how much effort goes into cleaning their trash is bound to instil some responsibility in todays youth and make them feel guilty if they attempt to litter some place.

We hope seeing these wonderful challenge pics, you will be inspired enough to head outdoors and clean up that trash lying in your neighborhood following the latest trashtag.