Flirting is not easy for everyone. Even confident and poised people freeze up and utter a faint hey when they see their crush. But there is no need to worry. If you find difficulty in flirting, we have got many tips to help you learn the art of flirting and to gain your crush’s attention.
Scroll down to see the 10 ways that’ll help you to flirt with your crush!
1.Like their Instagram pictures
Add them on every social media platform and like their posts. If you constantly keep double tapping their posts, they’ll assuredly get the hint you are trying to give.

2. Text them
Text them something and when they reply, act smartly and say,” Sorry, the wrong window. I was texting someone else. Anyway, what’s up with you?” Isn’t this interesting.

3. Make Eye Contact
Remember that there is no awful staring contest going on. So take the clever route. Look your crush in the eye when you talk at small intervals and brag your confident side.

4. Wave and say hi when they pass by
This move is especially for the shy girls. Just a second of putting yourself out there and they’ll surely get the message.

5. Give them an honest compliment
Everyone loves receiving compliments. So go a bit ahead and give him a compliment that will make him blush as basically most men prefer have a tendency to fall for girls when they feel all blush-y.

6. Keep The Conversation Going
Start the conversation with something casual and simple. It is not necessary to have a meaningful conversation but make sure that the conversation makes at least some sense.

7. Do Not Forget What They Tell You
There is absolutely no point of stalking and interacting with them if you don’t even remember the things they tell you. So, make sure that you listen to the conversation with attention as this can really help you.

8. Ruffle Their Hair
Though this is a silly bold and tender move, this move will surely give them the hint you are trying to give him.

9. Steal Their Hat And Put It On Your Head
Steal your crush’s hat and see their reaction whether they smile or do they look exasperated. This can help you to understand your crush’s reaction and will also enable you to interact with your crush further.

10. Tease Them
When you tease them remember that you want to be playful and not hurtful.

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